
“Ghoul in Bloom”, 2020

Ghoul in Bloom exists within a space that is between the unconscious and physical worlds. Within the series, the entity, who is born within the dreamscape, shifts between our reality and a space of liminality in which time is no longer linear. In some images, day and night subtly blend together in a way that doesn’t inherently deceive, but instead aids in training of a new truth to the photographic image. The series as a whole deals with personal perception and physical truth, as well as isolation and comfort within one’s own mind. While the entity is not only a personification of the unconscious, it also acts as a marionette for the unconscious to influence events within the physical realm. This series begs the question: Can personal perception of the world be influenced by the events that occur within the unconscious?

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“Daydreaming in Color”, 2018

A series of 8 photos that delves into a disparity between two consciousnesses. Here, two 35mm images are combined to create a composite that seems normal upon first glance but inherently cannot exist within the confines of reality.


“Heading Home” 2019, 40x60, Inkjet Prints

Heading Home explores an attempt at reclamation of spaces in which I no longer inhabit. The photographs in the series exude a sense of longing for a town that cannot provide the comfort and permanence it used to bear. Each image is a double exposure of a landscape from my hometown with the camera spun upon exposure, and then double exposed with myself in the same landscape (also spun upon exposure). Heading Home is a trial in fusing myself back into the environments I now feel like a stranger in.


“Collecting Terrors”, 2018

This series consists of recreations derived from dream-journal descriptions of nightmares I had as a teenager. Each image is to be viewed as a snapshot into that dream, encapsulating the themes and feeling of that space and the fragmentation of recollecting upon such events.


“Slipping In Again”, 2019

In this collection of images, I attempted to reframe my outlook on unconscious thought through non-personal sites. Liminal spaces are the focus of this series, as well as light forms that tend to transform a physical space into something less focused on reality. Multiple images from the same scene are present to give a sporadic nature to the series.